My astrological work is supported by a long interest in mythology, philosophy and buddhism and I’ve found astrology is an amazing tool for self-understanding and I’m excited to share my passion with you.

I have practised as a consulting astrologer. Further astrological studies I have included horary astrology as well and I have studied and received awareness, mindfulness and mind trainings from my beloved teacher Geshe Sangey Thinleywho lives in Whangarei, New Zealand and these trainings facilitated awareness has very much has shaped my way of applying astrology with clients.

When I first met with Geshela back home in New Zealand, he had a great impact in my life. Everything is meant to be and where I am in my life is ‘everything meant to be’.

Only the development of compassion and understanding for others can bring us the tranquility and happiness we all seek.



  • at a turning point in your life

  • facing an important decision and needing to choose from an array of possibilities

  • keen for some insights into your present situation

  • confused or unsure about your life direction

  • wanting a bigger picture within which to view your life

  • interested in getting the most out of your life

  • experiencing relationship challenges

  • feeling stuck in a repeating pattern

  • depressed or suffering from low self-esteem

  • just interested in what astrology can offer you



Birth Chart Reading

Reading your natal chart can be done at any time, as it is the cosmic imprint you came into this world with. I look up your natal chart and break down what each sign in your chart means for your personality, your houses and what they mean for your life and any aspects I see in your chart.

Some subjects that I touch on in this reading include: relationships, love, career, your shadows, your purpose, what is going to bring you the most success, your wounds, friendships plus more.

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The Solar Return Yearly Forecast

There are two powerful times to read your birth chart—at the beginning of each year and around your solar return. As you already know, the beginning of the year is an energetic reset. 

The Solar Return Chart is a unique system of forecasting in that it creates an entirely new chart, complete with all twelve houses, all signs and all of the planets.  A Solar Return chart is a chart calculated for the exact moment when the Sun returns to its natal position. This chart can be read much like a natal chart, except that it must be kept in mind that it is in effect only for the course of a year–approximately from birthday to birthday.

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Lunar Return Chart Reading

A lunar return is a chart that is cast for the moment the moon returns back to the exact position it was in at the time of birth. Similar to a solar return chart, I am able to cast and read a chart for every one of our placements’ returns.

It offers us a chance to plan for the next cycle. Using the lunar return chart, we can gather what our general energy levels will be, we’re able to gauge how social we may feel, and how much drive we’ll experience. Using the placement of the moon, we can also gather what might be the biggest focus for us in the next coming month. Aside from setting goals, looking at the lunar return can help us plan for what type of action we might take.

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Horary Astrology

Horary astrology is an ancient form of astrology. It asks that you come up with a question that represents whatever problem you are grappling with. There are many types of questions that can be answered through horary astrology. Questions about a missing object, like a pet, passport or your favourite purse. Questions about career and jobs and work and money. Questions about buying and selling property or other assets. Questions about relationships — romantic, family, children and more.


Will the job application be successful? 

Am I pregnant? 

Will moving to London be good for the family? 

Where is my wallet and will I find it? 

Will I get marry?


It's quite astonishing - and actually really fun - to see how apt a situation and its unfolding can be portrayed in a horary chart.

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Discover Your Chance Points With Personal Healing Affirmation

This guidance helps insights on the energy you should be leaning into in this life to create a fruitful abundant life and journal prompts specific to your signs. Please specify which area of your life -health, money, or love- that you would like to get the most magical return.

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Discover Your Spiritual Life Path

For this reading I point out the energy you carry, what your soul is craving and the direction you should be heading towards to feel complete fulfilment and success in your life. Giving you guidance on how you can step into the life path that has been given to you according to your chart.

This is a very intricate process looking into each element of your chart and then typing out what I see.

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Remember to look up at the stars and now down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. And however difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at. It matters that you don’t just give up.

- Professor Stephen Hawking


Jake Sa*****

Maria Gar***

Sarah And*****


Frequently Asked Questions

Natal chart—also called birth chart or astrology chart—is technically a snapshot of the position of the planets on the day you were born. It contains powerful information about the types of energies you were exposed to at your exact moment of birth. On a personal level, it also speaks of your strengths and weaknesses, opportunities for growth, and the absolute best (and worst) times to make big life changes

Every month the Moon returns to the location it was at when you were born and in astrology this is known as a Lunar Return. The chart of a Lunar Return can be read as a forecast of the month ahead (i.e. the time between the current Lunar Return and the next one).

Astrology is a language of energy. Its practice is better used when reading the many possible effects some planetary influences can have on you in a holistic way.

Predicting your long-term future by reading your natal chart can be an enlightening experience because your birth chart evolves with you. Bringing the chart to the present moment helps me to see what might end, begin, change, or evolve over the course of the years. While it can’t be predicted exactly what will happen (you still have free will, after all!), it can predict periods of opportunity, big emotional changes, as well as which will be the most successful and difficult times of your life.

My consultations are done either in person or over the internet (Skype, FaceTime, What’s App, Zoom ). Depends on your consultation choice it takes about 40 to 60 min. I will have studied the charts before we meet, keeping in mind any focus or questions that you may have specified.

The report readings sent by a digital PDF to your email address.

Astrology is simply a tool, empirically proven, that can help us track potential problems, both ingrained in our personalities and outer circumstances as well. Many choose to come for readings regularly - some for a series of weekly or fortnightly session, others 6-monthly or yearly, depending on your immediate needs and circumstances. With the astrological picture constantly changing, and your situation and inner world always evolving

You will need to contact me before we meet, both to arrange the appointment and to provide me with your birth data which is your date, time, and place of birth so that I can draw up your chart. 

You may also want to specify a focus or any particular issues that you want to look at during the reading. 

Through Date of birth, time of birth and birth place allows me to find the true Ascendant or Rising Sign which has a ‘knock on’ effect to information across the rest of the chart.

Payment is by cash or direct deposit into my  account ask for my bank details.