Juno in Astrology

  • 12 Jan 2023
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Hello everyone! This is my first blog. I am super excited and would love to express my feelings that I am also deeply fascinated about  mythology. I choose the topic ‘Juno’. This is where I inspired for my name. First, let's take a glimpse of look JUNO.


In Astrology, Juno represents our partnerships and marriage. She also rules on more esoteric levels, Juno rules over our soulmates and the people we are destined to meet as we walk this journey. Juno is one of the five Goddess asteroids along with Pallas, Vesta, Black Moon Lilith, and Ceres. 


In Roman mythology, Juno is both the wife and sister of Jupiter. She is also the mother of Mars. 


Juno is considered as the protector and special counselor of the roman state. Juno also looked after the woman of Rome. She is the youngest daughter of Saturn. Juno was worshipped as one of the Capitoline Triad alongside with her husband Jupiter and Minerva, the goddess of wisdom.

Juno is generally depicted as gracefully beautiful and very tall, who is more warrior-like in nature, as opposed to her Greek counterpart, Hera. She is usually wearing a goatskin coat with a golden crown called polos, carrying a spear and a shield.

Juno's symbols are crown, cypress, pomegranate, lily and lotus. While peacock, lion and cuckoos serves as her sacred animals.

Juno also represented the “feminine genius” that lives within each and every one of us, regardless of our gender. 

This feminine genius is connected to our intuitive abilities, our maternal abilities, our leadership abilities, but also our ability to step into our full creative powers. 

Juno was a powerful figure for the Romans and reminds us the power of independence and that each and every one of us, regardless of the souls we are “partnered” with in this life, has the ability to create the life we choose. 


Juno in your Astrology Chart


The symbol for Juno is represented as the body of Venus with a blooming flower or star on top. 

Juno governs over our soul contracts with others and the types of partnerships and relationships we are destined to find ourselves in for our highest growth.

While Juno is commonly looked at in astrology as the asteroid of marriage, this is not just about love and romance, but rather our “marriage” to all things in this life.

Juno helps us to determine what it is we need in this life, especially through our partnerships and what we are willing to tolerate.

Don’t know Juno’s placement in your chart? 

Juno in your chart is where we want to excel and do well, but we are also looking to balance the scales here. If we’re treated unfairly or unequally in this area, we can be particularly bothered. If we’re feeling insecure, we may be tempted to manipulate and maneuver wherever Juno is. However, if we master this, it’s a place of empowerment.