The Eternal Love of the Moon Goddess Selene and Endymion

  • 5 Nov 2023
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The goddess of the moon, Selene, is the sister of Eos (dawn) and Helios (sun). Endymion, on the other hand, is a mortal. He is a very young and handsome shepherd.

According to the legend, every night a flute sound rises from the mountains of Latmos. Endymion grazes his herds among the mountains and also plays his flute. When the sun disappears from the sky, Selene arrives at Bafa in a silver chariot pulled by bulls. Endymion falls in love with this beauty rising above the waters, and every night he begins to greet the dawn by sleeping in the sparkling arms of Selene. Selene, in turn, feels closer and closer to the handsome young man with each passing day. She quietly watches over the shepherd's rest in the cave where her light reflects, and when it is time to leave just before the sunrise she disappears.

However, the gods of Olympos don't like this situation and creates jealousy among them. Zeus, upon this situation, summons Endymion before him. However, he asks Endymion to make a wish from him. Without hesitation, Endymion replies, asking for an immortal and eternal sleep in order to completely free himself from the days he is away from his beloved. In this way, he will not open his eyes to any moment when Selene is not with him, and she will be able to embrace him while he sleeps forever. At the request of the handsome shepherd, Zeus lays him to rest in an eternal sleep in the Latmos Mountains, and every night Selene goes to her lover in the Latmos Mountains, tracing her light.

In mythological stories and astrology, the Moon holds deep significance. Selene's eternal love is a reflection of the constant cycle of the Moon and how it affects the inner worlds of individuals. In astrology, the Moon represents emotional balance and inner connection, allowing us to lead emotionally rich and balanced lives


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