Understanding Moon Sign

  • 16 Jan 2023
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In astrology, we commonly know our Sun signs... Scorpio, Libra, Virgo etc. But do you know that you also have another sign called the Moon sign?


Your moon sign is one of the most significant aspects of your astrological profile and is calculated based on the position of the moon at your time of birth and represents your emotional inner world. So, your Moon Sign Says About Your Emotional Personality.


How To Know Your Moon Sign and How Your Moon Sign Differs From Your Sun Sign?

In astrology language, your Sun sign dictates your zodiac personality, while your Moon sign, the second most important influence in your natal chart represents your emotions. 

Just as the moon reflects the sun, your moon sign reveals your innate reactions to life's experiences. It's your internal monologue.


The moon moves quickly throughout the 12 zodiac signs and takes approximately one month to visit all signs and  only stays in a sign for two and a half days at a time; hence the predictions made are more accurate and precise. Determining your moon signs needs to be really accurate and you need your birth date, your birthplace, and the time of your birth to know your exact moon sign.


The main difference between the sun sign and moon sign is: 


The Sun sign indicates our core self, while the moon sign represents our inner self.

The Sun sign governs our basic identity, whereas the moon sign is the governor of emotions.

The Sun sign indicates your true path and purpose, while your Moon sign indicates your comfort zones.

The moon is your subconscious side, your emotions, and your instinctive responses to the world around you.


Always remember, you are much more than your Sun sign. Your moon sign help you to understand the real you and help you reveal your hidden superpowers.  Everytthing has a rapid change in our life and rapidly. Therefore Lunar Return Reading is very important to understand what is going on around us and how can we take actions accordingly.